Monday, September 24, 2012

Kauai Get-Away:-)!!

We spent 4 days and 3 nights in Kauai while Janet was here.  We had such a fabulous time with our friends Jenn/Brian and Randi/Chad.  I can't even explain the beauty on this island!!!  We really did a lot of traveling on this trip and barely spent much time at the hotel.  Usually Kauai is really rainy but we had the best weather.  It didn't rain once and it was mostly sunny the entire trip. 

On our first day we went to the North Shore of Kauai and drove until the road ended at a beautiful beach.  We went on a nice hike which was only .5 miles.  It was beautiful but I did lose my lululemon hat:-(.  I thought I had pictures to share but I can't seem to find right now.  My friend Jenn took a ton of pics too so I might have to post them later.
Taro fields of Hanalei - a starchy root popular in Hawaii but harvested in Kauai.

The boys enjoying a beer at the same bar George Clooney was at while filming The Descendants.

The highlight of our trip was definitely our  5 hour catamaran ride down the Na Pali Coast - WOW is all I can say!

Brian and Jenn having a great time:-).

Randi and I enjoying one of several sneaky-tikis!!

Chad and Randi enjoying the ride:-)!
On our last day we took a LONG ride to Waimea Canyon also known as "grand canyon of the pacific."It was about 1 hour and 30 minutes to the top and lots of winding roads but so worth it.  

On the same ride we saw a beautiful valley called Kalalau Valley.  It was on the Na Pali coast so I also have pictures of the valley from the ocean.

Here is a view from our boat ride.

From the valley, you can also see the privately owned island of Nihau. It is owned by a Hawaiian family and it is forbidden to visit!! 

You can see NiiHau in the background.  Taken with cell phone so a bit hard to see.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

We are still here!!

It has been so long since I have posted.  My only excuse is that I've had a TON of company the last month and a half - my friends Laura and Jessica came, then Megan and family, and my mother-in-law has been here since Sept. 5th!!  We also had a 4 day trip to Kauai.  I have so much to catch up on!!  My goal is to catch up before Janet leaves because I have company the entire month of October!!
Today we had a pool birthday party and we had such a blast!!  Swim parties in Hawaii seem to be the thing lately:-)!!  I'm just trying to get ideas for Sophie's 2nd birthday party.
The girls are getting so good at swimming, especially Miss Emma.  Since starting swim lessons a few months ago I can say she is officially swimming - even though it is more of treading water inching forward!  I just had to share.  

Sophie loves her little puddle jumper and does a great job of floating on her back and blowing bubbles!  She is getting so big and loves doing anything her sister does!

We had time to waste at Target while waiting for a prescription so this is what we did...

I have a ton of pictures to post so I promise to get busy:-)......