Thursday, July 12, 2012

Swim lessons and Check-ups

I am so behind on posts from when my parents and Paige were here that I don't even know where to begin!  Therefore, I've decided to just skip that stress for today and just post from what has been going on this week:-)!

Our big news was Emma started new swimming lessons on Monday.  She will go for 2 weeks - M, W, F from 4:30 to 5:00.  I was on the waiting list with this guy named Curtis that is supposed to be great.  He has a reputation for being strict and not letting the kids give up because they are scared - well  this approach hasn't gone very well with Emma, haha!!  She pretty much just cries and screams the entire time begging me to let her get out of the pool.  I tried bribery with ice cream yesterday and it didn't work!  I feel bad that she is screaming but I also need an instructor that will make her do things even though she is scared!  If they don't push her, she will just stay on the stairs the entire lesson and that is a complete waste of money/time.  I don't know what to do and just hope tomorrow goes better:-)!

Get me out of here...please!!!!

Please don't make me do anything Mr. Curtis, I'm fine right here, haha!!
Today we also had Emma's 3 year check-up and Sophie's 18 month check-up and we have healthy and naughty kids.  They both did a great job and Sophie only got 1 shot so we are good!  We also got the go-ahead to bring Emma down to 1% or skim milk so finally I can just buy 2 types of milk!! 
Here were the stats:
Weight - 24lbs 47%; 
Height - 32 1/4 64%
Head - 18 in. 43%
Weight - 36 lbs 90%
Height - 37 1/4 57%
The doctor did ask about her diet because of her weight but wasn't alarmed because we aren't feeding her malasadas (deep-friend hawaiian yummy pastry) and cheeseburgers all the time!

Emma trying to get Sophie to say "cheese" with her!

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