Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy, Busy with Grandma and Papa Choate

I can't even believe I have gone this long without posting pictures - I'm a real slacker!!  We have been busy showing Grandma and Papa the island!  I have a ton of pictures to share, of course!  We also went to 2 new exciting for us!!  Most of these pictures are from Ko Olina and Bellows.  My next post will have pics from Kawela Bay - possibly our new favorite beach!!
Update - a few posts ago I bragged on Sophie being such an easy-going, good girl!  I shouldn't have opened my mouth cause she has been super demanding lately and Emma has gotten better!!  Sophie is in to EVERYTHING and wants to do everything her sister does!!  Our biggest problem has been getting her down to sleep at night.  She wants nothing to do with going to bed and takes screaming to a whole new level - so not Sophie like!!  It has taken us about an hour each night to get the girl to sleep!  Tonight was a bit better so I'm hoping our new bedtime routine will help!!  On a brighter note, Sophie has started talking up a storm!  It is so fun to hear since Emma was so behind in her speaking skills.  At 16 months, Emma really only said mama and dada and Sophie is singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!!  This is such a fun age and I know what the 2's are like so I want time to just stop here!!

We took Grandma and Papa to Paradise Cove in Ko Olina to see the turtles and watch the sunset.  Well, we planned on seeing turtles but instead saw a Monk Seal!  The sunset was a bit disappointing but we still had a great time!

Seriously, does it get any cuter than this?

AJ loves his Auntie Kelly!!

Sophie is definitely trying to tell AJ something!


We went to Bellows Beach (only opened to the public on the weekend) last weekend for the first time!  It was a bit last minute but so glad we went because the views were amazing!!  On the way, we also stopped at a few lookouts and on the way back we stopped at the Pali Lookout.

Are you even kidding me - I can't even believe I get to go to places like this!!

Tony using a kickboard to ride the waves!

Emma and Daddy at The Blow Hole

Pali Lookout
Here are just some pictures from the last week and a half...

Emma had to bring her stroller to where I do Stroller Strides!

On the train at the Dole Plantation and Sophie is showing grandma where her nose is at!

I couldn't resist!!  Dole Plantation

Feeding the fish at the Dole Plantation!

Thank god she is cute because she definitely knows how to make a mess!!

Showing grandma Whole Foods and taking a little ice cream break!

Taking advantage with a night out on the town!!  You know me and my mai tai's!!

Runfire Waikiki Beach

I bribed Emma that if she was good at the dentist she could have shaved ice!

Emma after her first dentist appointment!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Grandma and Papa Choate come to visit

We have been so busy the last week with Grandma and Papa.  We have been to the beach twice and plan to go a lot more!!  Emma has been in quite a mood lately and has really been giving everyone a run for their money!  Even Grandma and Papa don't know what to do with her!!!  On a brighter side, Sophie is really starting to talk a bunch and has given us many smiles!!  
Here are pictures from the past week.  We went to North Shore and Ko Olina for Mother's Day.
Matsomoto's - our favorite
The crazy kids jumping off the rocks at Waimea Bay
Emma having fun with Papa
First time in the water at Waimea Bay - it has always been too rough!!

Grandma and Papa arrive around 10:30 at night on Wednesday