Friday, May 4, 2012

Sophie - 16 Months

Miss Sophie is just a fun, fun little girl!!  I feel like I talk about Emma so much because she is ALWAYS into or up-to something!!  So this is just about Sophie!!  
Sophie and her signature tongue out!

Sophie was 16 months on the 27th.  Since moving to Hawaii she has also become a blanket girl like her big sister!  She is so social and thrives on getting attention from strangers - especially men.  She is always waving, smiling or sticking out her tongue!!  Sophie, like her sister, is very independent and likes to roam or find new friends!!  I really can't turn my head for a second.  She very rarely fusses or cries and if she does I know Emma is involved somehow!  Someone up high knew I needed a mellow, well-behaved kid after Emma - but I guess she is still little and a lot can change!!
Sophie with her new friends - she totally would have gone home with them!
Thankfully, Sophie and Emma do play a lot together pretty well until they fight over a toy.  It usually involves Emma's bitty baby - I just need to buy poor Sophie one too.  I am learning that I just have to buy 2 of everything because Sophie wants everything Emma has and vice versa!  
Sophie has also started talking so much in the last few weeks.  She is starting to really try and say any word I ask her to say but won't say if I don't initiate it.  Just this morning I got her to say mama, dada, ball, sissy, turtle, baby, papa, nene, airplane, and apple.  I know she says a bunch more but I can't think, ha!  Here is a video from this morning of my happy, happy girl talking!  I know this isn't a big deal for most but for me this is so exciting because Emma said barely anything at this age.

I also just had to include a picture of Sophie legs - they are just my favorite!  I love that she still has rolls and little tan lines between the rolls!  I love this little girl!!

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