Friday, May 4, 2012

Lots to Share:-)!!

Oh gosh, I have so many pictures to share I don't even know where to begin.  I finally got a bunch of pics from my "mamarozzi" friend Jenn.  I'm embarrassed to say that they go back as far as Easter!  Instead of posting a bunch of different posts, I'm just going to make this a long "catch-up" post!  Let's just hope the girls decide to cooperate:-)!  Here we go...

Easter 2012 at the Beach and Easter Egg Hunt

These are Jenn's niece and nephew - they learn how to surf young here!!

The kids spent a majority of Easter under the food table??

This is as close as my girls will get to surfing, haha!

This is totally Emma

Emma checking out the Easter Bunny - not liking what she sees!!

Emma putting a necklace on AJ:-)!

We went to our first "local/Hawaiian" birthday party and had such a blast!!  The party was for the owner of stroller strides' 2 girls.  In Hawaii, the first birthday is a big deal and families go "all out" - sometimes spending more than a wedding, which is easy to do in Hawaii:-)!  The waves were too big on this day so most of the children stayed on the grass and Sophie decided to just play in all of the mud!!

Of course, I'm at KoOlina like once a week so here are some pictures from the last few weeks.  At KoOlina, they have 4 lagoons with limited public parking so we try to go early during the week to get a parking spot!  I usually go to Lagoon 4 with the most parking or Lagoon 1 where Disney is located but I have discovered that Lagoon 3 is probably my favorite!  It has a nice bar that anyone can walk up to at the Marriott - even though Mai Tai's are $12 a piece, wow!!  
On Wednesday, I went to Ko Olina with some stroller strides gals and finally did paradise cove lagoon where you can swim with the turtles!!  The girls had so much fun!!  I will have to go back again and get better pics with the girls and the turtles - thank goodness we have a year here!!

Emma and Allie with there monkeys - love this picture!!
 Okay, this picture deserves some explaining.  Sophie has turned into a little social girl.  She loves going up to other families and just making herself right at home with their things - chair, drinks, food, towels, toys...etc.  Well, on Sunday Sophie found a nice Japanese family that spoke very limited English.  They were so, so nice and they loved Sophie!!  We were dying because Japanese tourists love taking Sophie's picture everywhere we go.  I have no idea why but I almost died when they got out there camera and started taking pics with Sophie!!  Jenn, of course, grabbed her camera and got this shot!!

Life is so awful for Miss Emma!!

Welcome to my life - Emma wanting what anyone else has!  Poor Allie!!

After a day at Paradise Cove with the turtles!!  My 2 kids were asleep before we even left the parking lot!
This is what we do when we feel like being lazy moms - water fun in the backyard!!

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