Yup, that is Emma with her blanket and no paci in her mouth. We have been talking about taking away her beloved paci for so long now but I have been a HUGE procrastinator. I have thought of every excuse but mainly it came down to the fact that she just loved that darn thing and it really came in handy so many times. If Emma had paci, Emma was happy therefore mom and dad were happy:-)! And I can't forget the fact that Emma slept so well with that paci. But she will be 3 in July and it had to go away!!
This was nothing planned or thought through in advance. Tony and I had several conversations about taking it away but never how or exactly when. On Saturday morning, Emma was being super needy and kinda freaked out when we took her paci away. She started screaming and yelling "aigh-aigh-aigh" over and over again (this was her way of saying put that paci in my mouth now). Tony kinda lost it and said right then that it was gone for good - bye, bye paci for Emma.
Tony's brother, Artie, had always told us to just cut off the nipple and say it was broken. Well, he was right because it worked. We showed Emma the "broken" paci and she tried to plea with daddy to fix it which completely broke my heart. The only real problem we had was that first naptime and I can say she freaked out so much she was almost hyperventilating - again breaking my heart even though I knew it had to be done. Tony had to go and lay next to her for a while until she calmed down and fell asleep. She slept for maybe 30 minutes and we just gave up on the napping idea. I thought it wold be a good idea to go for a car ride and get the girls some Jamba Juice (The top picture was us on the way, hence Emma's frown).
Emma talks about her paci every so often and will say that it is broken and that's about it. She doesn't talk about it really and so we don't either! We have had a hard time getting her to go to bed at night but not sure if it is related or not. When we put her to bed, she screams like a crazy woman and it sounds like she almost throws herself into the wall?? Tony went in there last night and worked his magic. He is really good with talking some sense into her and calming her down - thank god cause by the time bedtime rolls around I am so done dealing with Miss E and I just want her to go to sleep:-)!!
Here are some pictures of Emma with her beloved "paci"...
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