Thursday, April 5, 2012

Too Busy for the Beach

We have been so busy lately and no we haven't been to the beach since Sunday:-).  Our days go by so quickly because I try and do Stroller Strides most mornings and that is from 8:15 - 9:30ish.  Class always seems to go over and then I usually stay to let the kids play and so I can gab a bit too:-).  Lately, it seems like I don't get home until 10:15ish.  This doesn't leave me much time to run errands before lunch time.
This was Emma at stroller strides - yup, she took off her top because it got wet!

So this Monday and Tuesday we ran a bunch of errands - Costco, grocery store, bow hunting for Easter dress, and checked out the new Walmart.  We also had time for some McDonald's Playland with our buds Jenn, Allie and AJ.  On Monday, we didn't get home until 4:00 - yup that was like playing with fire!!  This obviously was not planned but that's what happens when you run around with 4 kids - my 2, plus my friend Jenn's 2.  Here are a few pics from Walmart...

On Wednesday my super, nice friend, Jenn, watched my kids so I could get my hair done and do some Easter Basket shopping.  Here is a pic of my new haircut - 4 inches shorter!!  I really needed some length taken off with this hot weather!
Here was Emma with Allie at nap time.  They did eventually have to be separated!
After my haircut and a little shopping, I had to pickup the kids and run over to Jenn's sister's house to decorate Easter eggs and eat pizza.  It was a crazy time with all 8 kids under the age of 6 decorating the eggs.  I didn't have my camera on me so pics to come.  Sophie was such a hoot so I can't wait to see the shots Jenn got of her.  She kept dunking all of the eggs and trying to eat them - it was hysterical!

Today the craziness didn't stop!  I ran the girls to the mall to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.  Here is the picture I took with my phone...

They weren't big fans of the bunny but at least they didn't cry!  After this, I quickly ran home and got the girls ready for a ride on the Hawaiian Railroad - the girls' first train ride!  It as from 12 - 1:30 - not exactly the ideal time with little kids but we made it work.  Here are some pics I took with my phone...

What a crazy week and tomorrow it doesn't stop!! Hopefully, I will have time to post some pictures:-)!  And before I forget, here was Sophie's 15 month stats...
Weight - 22 lbs 11 oz. 48%
Height - 30 in. 37%
Head - 18 in. 46%
If Emma weren't sleeping on my lap right now I'd compare this with Emma at 15 months but I will just have to look later:-)!

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