Monday, March 26, 2012

North Shore Day 2

First we went to Waimea Valley Falls. They charged to much and we didn't even get to swim in the waterfall! It was just a paved path that followed a creek. After that we went to Joes in Hale'iwa for lunch. I had a salad and fries. Emma found a boyfriend! ;) Then we went to Hidden Beach in North Shore. The dirt road we went on to get there was really bumpy. Aunt Kelly was like freaking out! Then we found the path to the hidden beach and Aunt Kelly peed in the weeds. Then we went down to the beach. We couldn't swim because it was rocky and there was a lot of waves! Then we went to Dole Plantation to get some pineapple whip. It was really yummy! The only problem was that Granny had most the ice cream and she got locked in the plantation while we were all outside! She got out though and we all had the ice cream. Bibi :P
Waimea Valley Falls
 Emma and I at Waimea Valley Falls
 Emma eating her pineapple whip
 Granny, Uncle Tony, and I eating our pineapple whips.
 Emma with her boyfriend
 The restaurant we went to
 The dirt road on the way to the hidden beach
 The hidden beach
Random funny picture of Aunt Kelly. (she wouldn't let me put the pic of her pulling her pants up!)
 Emma at Waimea Valley Falls
 Me at Waimea Valley Falls
Aunt Kelly, Sophie, Emma, and I at Waimea Valley Falls.

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