Sunday, March 18, 2012

Surfing - White Plains Beach

Yesterday we went to white plains beach. It was fun!!! I got to learn how to surf!!! It's a lot harder than it looks. You have to swim but with the board against the waves which takes a lot of energy. Then you have to turn around and wait for a good wave. Once one is about to come you have to start swimming on the board back towards the beach. Then you have to wait till you know you caught the wave and jump up with one foot in front of the other with your knees bent and then you have to balance on the board. Then when you fall you have to fall a certain way also or you would hit your foot on a rock. For dinner we went to Chuck's. It was a really long wait so I took emma to go look at the fish. Then when we went to the table Emma couldn't sit still and she had to pee every 5 min!!! That's all we did so bibi :)
me surfing :)
 me surfing... again
 me holding the surf board :)
 me sitting on the surf board :)

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